Young Actors Academy
Terms and Conditions of Service
In person classes
Attendance and Commitment
For students to benefit fully from the teaching and directing Young Actors Academy provides, regular attendance to classes is paramount. Parents and students should recognise that in joining Young Actors Academy they are making a commitment. Without dedication, commitment and support from our students and their families we are unable to produce high-quality results and productions.
As a small independent business, we work hard to deliver quality training and performance experiences at the lowest possible rates and to be as inclusive as possible. Prompt payment by parents and guardians is a vital for the survival of the academy.
All classes must be paid for in full including those missed for any reason, such as illness or leave for professional or amateur performance work.
We ask for a minimum of one term’s initial commitment if starting at the beginning of a term. This ensures consistency for our existing students and gives new students a reasonable time to settle in, make friends and decide if Young Actors Academy is right for them. It takes time to build skills and confidence.
Invoices will be provided monthly. Fees are due no later than 1 week from the start of every month. A £10 administration fee will be added for late payments. Receipts will only be provided upon request. Fees are subject to change and Young Actors Academy will notify you in advance of any increase in fees.
Parents are asked when completing the sign-up form whether they permit Young Actors Academy permission to photograph/video their child for advertising purposes. This permission allows us to use images of performances and class work for our website, social media sites and any other form of advertising should we see fit.
Difficulties with payment
Whilst all fees must be paid in full, we ask that if parents or guardians are experiencing any difficulties in meeting fees, they speak directly to the director and we will try to arrange a mutually convenient payment plan, however we will always endeavour to recover all unpaid fees and where necessary will do this. Where fees are unpaid after 6 months, (or 3 months if the student no longer attends Young Actors Academy).
Details of overdue fees will be passed to our overdue accounts manager who will seek to recover monies owed either directly or, where necessary, through the small claims court.
NB: Under no circumstances can Young Actors Academy act as negotiator or offer arbitration services to separated parents regarding who is responsible for payment of fees.
Cancellation or postponement of place
If a parent/ guardian wishes to withdraw a child from any of our classes, a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice via email is required. If notice is not received, 2 weeks fees will be charged in lieu. This is a shorter notice period than standard practice throughout independent & vocational schools who usually require a full term.
Where a child wishes to take any time out of classes (due to professional performance work, school commitments, 11+ tutoring or any other reason) 4 weeks’ notice or fees in lieu is still required. If the student, then returns after a break of up to 6 months (subject to a place being available) Any fees paid in lieu of notice will be deducted from their return invoice. This is non-transferable to other students. To 'hold open' a place for a student during a temporary period of absence, fees must be paid in full for the whole of the intended absence period.
Lamda examination fees and payments
When entering students for LAMDA exams, Young Actors Academy pay the student's exam fees directly to LAMDA and invoice parents/fee payers who then make their exam fee payment directly to Young Actors Academy.
Parents/fee payers must make their payment promptly upon receipt being invoiced.
Late payment can have a negative impact on a small business, causing cash flow issues and extra administrative work, therefore Young Actors Academy may charge an additional £25 administration fee where exam payments are not received within 7 days of being invoiced, unless we are informed of there being exceptional circumstances.
Parents are advised of exam dates in advance of their student being entered for an exam. If the student is then unable to attend the exam after the entry has been submitted to LAMDA the full exam fee must still be paid by the parent. If the exam absence is due to illness, parents may apply to LAMDA with a doctors letter for a refund of up to 50% of the exam fee paid, provided they do so within 5 working days of the exam date.
Unforeseen cancellation of classes
In the event of forced or advised temporary closure of the Academy for any reason beyond the control of the Academy, including bad weather / acts of (or threats of) terrorism, riot or war / the outbreak of (or containment of) contagious illness, we will advise parents via email.
If this happens classes will be delivered on-line at their usual time. Classes will be taught using private Zoom meeting links and will be sent via email.
If we are unable to deliver classes on-line or we have to cancel for any other reason, exams or any other events already paid for by parents, all monies paid will be carried over to the following term, or until classes resume.
Parents/carers sign an agreement to our terms and conditions on their child's registration form when joining.
Expected standards of behaviour.
All students and their parents and guardians are expected to behave politely and with respect to all staff, assistants, and students, both whilst at classes, rehearsals and Young Actors Academy performances and events and at all other times away from Young Actors Academy. This expectation of behaviour extends to social media.
Students are expected to always act with encouragement and support to fellow students, both in person and via all social media and messaging sites. Young Actors Academy will investigate any allegations of behaviour falling short of this expectation and if the situation cannot be resolved the perpetrator will be asked to leave Young Actors Academy and no fees will be refunded.
To ensure the safety of all our staff and students, we will not tolerate rude, intimidating, or aggressive behaviour from students, or from parents or guardians of children, whether directed at staff, fellow students, or parents of students. Behaviour that offends or intimidates will result in a child or the child of the offender, being removed from all classes, workshops and performances and no refund of fees paid will be made.
Casting for productions:
Whilst some children may be very confident performing for parents and friends at home, they may present themselves quite differently at Young Actors Academy when they are among a large group of other talented children. When casting productions we consider attendance, confidence, work ethic and ability as we see it. All our casting is final, and we ask parents to support our casting decisions. When a student's fees are overdue, they will not be included in any external performance opportunities or invited to take part in any extra activities, e.g. theatre trips that involve an additional cost or participation fee. This is to ensure monies owed do not continue to increase.
Thank you for supporting a small business with these terms and conditions.
Young Actors Academy
Kirby Muxloe & Coalville, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom
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